Professional Dental Consultation

Our dental consultants advise you on your treatment and possible alternatives,
on costst and payment options and give tips on prevention and nutrition.

Just Ask!

We Answer Your Questions Concerning Your Treatments, Prophylaxis and Costs

Professional Dental Consultant Daniela Jeß
Professional Dental Consultant Daniela Jeß

The most important questions you want to ask your dentist about your scheduled treatment only pop into your head once you are already on your way home, right? Well, that is why we have our dental consultant who is an expert in guiding you through the jungle of dental treatment options.

After your dentist has suggested several treatment options to you, the consultant is able to provide further explanation in order to help you make informed decisions about your dental treatment.

  • what exactly will happen during treatment?
  • how long does it take?
  • how much does it cost?
  • how much of that does my insurence pay?

Financial Advice

At Zahnärzte EFK we will always work out a treatment option for you that suits your personal and financial needs.

We also offer a variety of payment options, even interest-free payment plans. Please ask us for a financial consultation!

Health Insurance

In the last couple of years private health insurance has become more and more important.We are able to offer you professional advice on this subject

  • what kind of health care cover do I need?
  • how to read the fine print in health insurance contracts
  • what is my personal dental health risk?

Personal Health Risk Analysis

We can perform a personal dental health risk analysis by examining the present state of your teeth. On the basis of this analysis we can advise you on the best choice of dental health care plans. Just ask!

Did you know a wholemeal diet can damage your teeth? The acid in fruit affects dental enamel, and wholemeal grains grind down your teeth. Our dietary consultant is able to give you lots of helpful advice on how to eat healthily without damaging your teeth.


We can advise you on all aspects of a healthy diet and how special diets can help you cope with some of the most common illnesses and allergies.

Thanks to our close cooperation with Dipl. oec. troph. Andrea Knackstedt, our nutritionist, we are able to offer complete nutrition advice.