Treating the Root to Preserve the Tooth
You’d like your root canal treatment done with the least amount of trouble and inconvenience? Us too! That’s why Holger Förster decided long ago to make microscopic endodontics his speciality. These days our surgery’s stellar reputation in this field means other dentists regularly refer their patients to us.
Endodontics is the branch of dental medicine concerned with the parts of the teeth which are not visible; the treatment most commonly performed is root canal treatment. Modern root canal treaments offer the possibility of preserving even a seriously decayed tooth rather then removing it.
We perform all root canals using our sophisticated surgical microscope. Its 25× zoom enables us to spot and remove even the tiniest amounts of tissue, which are the cause of infection, from even the smallest branches of the root canal.
Procedure of Root Canal Treatments
When performing a root canal we aim to
- completely remove all infected pieces of tissue (pulp) from the root canal
- completely remove all infectious bacteria
- permanently and tightly seal the root canal to prevent further trouble
Root canals are performed using a dental dam, which is a special protective rubber sheet. The dental dam is placed around the tooth to isolate and protect it. It prevents bacteria living in the saliva from entering the open root canal and reinfecting the tooth.
The root canal is then cleaned out manually as well as automatically using high-precison, highly flexible nickel-titanium instruments. Various disinfectant rinses are then used to dispel all remaining pieces of tissue from the intricately branching root canal. Finally the disinfected hollow spaces are sealed tightly to prevent future infection using a heated resin filler. This method ensures filling the furthest reaches of the root canal so that even the smallest branches can be sealed.
This takes care of the infection, and the inflamed nerve in your tooth will cease causing pain. A treatment like this offers a very real chance your decayed tooth will last just as long as a healthy one.
Indications for a Root Canal Treatment
A tooth consists of the visible crown wth the pulp and dentin inside and one or more roots reaching into the gum. Inside the root lies the nerve.
In cases where tooth decay remains undetected or is left untreated bacteria may infect the nerve of the tooth, which then becomes inflamed and finally decays. When the infectious bacteria or remnants of the decayed nerve tissue find their way from the tip of the root into the jaw bone this can cause bone infection which can be extremely painful. In the past teeth infected like this were simply extracted. Today’s professional root canal treatments remove all bacteria and tissue remnants and make it possible to preserve the tooth.